Most resources aimed at small businesses are beyond the reach of solopreneurs, new entrepreneurs and microbusiensses. They require dedicated resources in-house or at least the financial capacity to hire consultants at a rate they typically charge larger established firms.

This leaves entrepreneurs in a place where they don't have the guidance and tools to satisfy the threat landscape for businesses in 2022.

On top of that, most products pitch awareness as a goal. Awareness is often disconnected from the average person's day-to-day activity. So maintaining awareness becomes an additional task on top of every employees' daily workload.

We integrate safer behaviour into the day-to-day workflow of every entrepreneur. By using safer workflows and tools, the entrepreneur need not distract themselves from doing what they already know they must do to make their business succeed.

Absolute basics for small business entrepreneurs

Small businesses don't need much. The absolute basics will get you much of benefit appropriate to the size of your business.

Small businesses usually have individuals repurposing consumer-grade tools as tools for business. The following three action items are common to the information security recommendations from the Canada, US, the EU, and UK. For each, we have published guidance

1. Logins

Logins are where businesses need to start unlearning bad habits.

Logins - Majorcord | safer business
The Logins Layer deals with how making sure only people who are authorized can access business tools and information.

2. Data loss

Start preparing for data loss by creating reliable backups.

Backups - Majorcord | safer business
The Backups Layer covers tools and techniques for recovering from data loss and ransomware.

3. Have a plan

You don't have to create a plan from scratch. Use these templated checklists to get started.

Checklists - Majorcord | safer business
All the Checklists useful for productivity and critical to information security.

Make your investment in safety and modern tools do double-duty, using a Majorcord Action Plan.


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Use your investment into security to gain customers and retain clients.

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