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Our mission is to enable safe and private technology for the small business and the general public.

  • Zero ads, so you're never distracted or tracked: You will never see ads on majorcord.com.
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  • Guides that keep up with products, you always get the latest information: We monitor the products we use in our guides. When features are added or removed, we update our guides.
  • Accessible content, your screen readers have work to do 😄: We aim to be as accessible as possible. Our products are a11y-compatible, and we use alt-text for visual content across the board, as in this image below.
Icon of an 8 facet gem, in brand blue on white background.
  • Trustworthy content: We will only provide suggestions for tools we use, would use, or have used ourselves.
  • We remain curious, so you don't fall behind: What is true today may not necessarily be true tomorrow. Tools come and go, policies change, security practices evolve. When we discover an easier or safer way, we gradually adjust all related content and tools on Majorcord. Subscribers always have access to the latest content, and can adjust at your own pace.
  • Responsiveness to your needs: We send out periodic surveys, to understand how we can better help you. You'll also find Pulse surveys in our step-by-step guides, cheatsheets, and updates. These are quick, one-off questions that let you tell us what you're looking for.
Pulse surveys display as blank areas in emailed content. You'll see them using a browser on majorcord.com
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Icon of classic style sneaker poised as if mid-step, in brand blue on white background.

Finding your first step

You may be wondering what's next.

  1. If you haven't yet checked it out, the Sorting Hat is a good place to get started. The Sorting Hat will help you prioritize your safety and productivity efforts.
  2. On that note, we recommend checking out the different categories of resources we publish, so that you know what's available and can search for it later.
Icon of a shimmering magnifying glass.

The search function is always available to help you find what you need. Just look for 🔍 up near the top-right of this page. When using majorcord.com on a mobile device, the search feature will be tucked away inside a 🍔 menu on the top-right of this page.

That's all for now! ... Actually, one last thing.

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Major the dog