☕️ Step-by-step: how to export your emails from Gmail
Create an exported copy of your emails, and download them to your computer.
📬 Send files without email easily
Letting files live indefinitely in your email account (and all the accounts you've sent emails to) is like making copies of your entire filing cabinet, and leaving the copies in places where anyone can find them.
☕️ Step-by-step: Receive files easily using Bitwarden Send
Someone sent you a Send? We'll walk you through downloading the file in almost no time.
☕️ Step-by-step: Safely send files and text using Bitwarden Send
We'll walk you through each step of securely sending a file using Bitwarden Send.
🛠 CIBC cheatsheet
How to use CIBC's (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) service offering of a unique credit alert feature.
📬 Four ways you could save money on financial services
To find the best services available to me, I became a customer of several major (and a few smaller) banks in Canada. I used them all. Now, I summarize a few ways your business can save money on financial services. So you don't have to spend time and money doing the same thing I did.
🛠 Authy cheatsheet
Authy is the most convenient tool we've found for helping us use multi-factor authentication.
📬 What do actual backups look like? The 3-2-1 rule.
The task of setting up a good backup system can look time-consuming and intimidating. But it’s neither. Anyone can do it-everyone should. And it can take as little as 30 minutes.
⚡️ Quickstart: Backup all your files offsite with Backblaze
Making automatic backups protected by an encryption key, which only you possess, is not as difficult as it sounds.
🛠 Bitwarden cheatsheet
Anyone can use Bitwarden. The password manager is particularly good for helping you remember good passwords and protecting you from password thieves.